- Katılım
- 30 May 2019
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VIP ve Sandık Satar Skripti
Bu skripti sandığa sol tıklayınca içinde kileri satan bir çapa verir
Normal sandık satar sandıkda kileri normal satar ama VIP satar 2x satar fakat bu VIP satarı oyuncular kullanamaz
İsterseniz satış fiyatlarını değiştirebilir yada isterseniz çapa yerine çubuk veya başka bir alet kullanabilirsiniz
Tabi isterseniz VIP+ satar gibi şeylerde eklenebilir
command /sandiksatar:
permission: ss.sandiksatar
give 1 diamond hoe named "&eSandık Satar" to player
on right click with diamond hoe:
if name of player's tool is "&eSandık Satar":
if clicked block is a chest:
if amount of iron block in clicked block is greater than 0:
add (amount of iron block in clicked block * 5000) to player's money
send "&a&l%amount of iron block in clicked block% &c&lDemir Blok Satildi &f&lKazanc: &e&l%(amount of iron block in clicked block * 5000)%" to player
remove every iron blocks from clicked block
else if amount of gold block in clicked block is greater than 0:
add (amount of gold block in clicked block * 6740) to player's money
send "&a&l%amount of gold block in clicked block% &c&lAltin Blok Satildi &f&lKazanc: &e&l%(amount of gold block in clicked block * 6740)%" to player
remove every gold blocks from clicked block
else if amount of emerald block in clicked block is greater than 0:
add (amount of emerald block in clicked block * 26000) to player's money
send "&a&l%amount of emerald block in clicked block% &c&lZumrut Blok Satildi &f&lKazanc: &e&l%(amount of emerald block in clicked block * 26000)%" to player
remove every emerald blocks from clicked block
else if amount of diamond block in clicked block is greater than 0:
add (amount of diamond block in clicked block * 13000) to player's money
send "&a&l%amount of diamond block in clicked block% &c&lElmas Blok Satildi &f&lKazanc: &e&l%(amount of diamond block in clicked block * 13000)%" to player
remove every diamond blocks from clicked block
command /vipsatar:
permission: ss.vipsatar
give 1 diamond hoe named "&eVIP Satar" to player
send "&eEğer bu aletle sandığa tıklarsan herşeyi &a2x &eSatar &8- &cBunu Oyuncular Kullanılamaz Veya Satılamaz" to player
on right click with diamond hoe:
if name of player's tool is "&eVIP Satar":
if clicked block is a chest:
if amount of iron block in clicked block is greater than 0:
add (amount of iron block in clicked block * 10000) to player's money
send "&a&l%amount of iron block in clicked block% &c&lDemir Blok Satildi &f&lKazanc: &e&l%(amount of iron block in clicked block * 10000)%" to player
remove every iron blocks from clicked block
else if amount of gold block in clicked block is greater than 0:
add (amount of gold block in clicked block * 13480) to player's money
send "&a&l%amount of gold block in clicked block% &c&lAltin Blok Satildi &f&lKazanc: &e&l%(amount of gold block in clicked block * 13480)%" to player
remove every gold blocks from clicked block
else if amount of emerald block in clicked block is greater than 0:
add (amount of emerald block in clicked block * 52000) to player's money
send "&a&l%amount of emerald block in clicked block% &c&lZumrut Blok Satildi &f&lKazanc: &e&l%(amount of emerald block in clicked block * 52000)%" to player
remove every emerald blocks from clicked block
else if amount of diamond block in clicked block is greater than 0:
add (amount of diamond block in clicked block * 26000) to player's money
send "&a&l%amount of diamond block in clicked block% &c&lElmas Blok Satildi &f&lKazanc: &e&l%(amount of diamond block in clicked block * 26000)%" to player
remove every diamond blocks from clicked block