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Sanal Çiftlik Skripti
Bu skript sunucunuzda sanal bir çiftlik yaparak oyunu eğlenceli hale getirmeyi planlıyor
İnek,tavuk ve koyun gibi hayvanların bulunduğu skript
Ahırınıza hayvan ekleyip onların mahsüllerini satmak amaçlı
{ciftlik.%player%} = false
{tavuk.%player%} = 0
{koyun.%player%} = 0
{inek.%player%} = 0
{yumurta.%player%} = 0
{sut.%player%} = 0
command /çiftlik [<text>]:
if arg-1 is not set:
if {ciftlik.%player%} is false:
wait 3 tick
open chest with 1 row named "&6Çiftlik &8» &aSatin Al" to player
format slot 4 of player with book named "&6Sanal Çiftlik" with lore "&aSatin Almak Icin Tikla &cFiyat: &a1 Milyon TL" to close then run [execute player command "/çiftlik satinal"]
if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
wait 3 tick
open chest with 3 row named "&6Çiftlik &8» &aAna Menu" to player
format slot 10 of player with 383 named "&6Hayvan Alma Menusu" with lore "&aBuradan Hayvan Satin Alabilirsin" to close then run [execute player command "/çiftlik hayvanal"]
format slot 13 of player with book named "&6Çiftlik Bilgileri" with lore "&aBuradan Çiftlik Bilgilerine Bakabilirsin" to close then run [execute player command "/çiftlik bilgi"]
format slot 16 of player with milk bucket named "&6Satma Menusu" with lore "&aBuradan Sut Ve Yumurtalarini Satabilirsin" to close then run [execute player command "/çiftlik sat"]
if arg-1 is set:
if arg-1 is "satinal":
if {ciftlik.%player%} is false:
if player's balance is greater than 999999:
remove 1000000 from player's balance
set {ciftlik.%player%} to true
send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aÇiftlik Başarıyla Alindi !" to player
send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aSatin Almak Icin Yeterli Paraniz Bulunmamakta !" to player
if arg-1 is "hayvanal":
if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
wait 3 tick
open chest with 1 row named "&6Çiftlik &8» &aHayvan Alma" to player
format slot 0 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
format slot 2 of player with 383:93 named "&6Tavuk" with lore "&aFiyat: &c10M &aSaatlik Uretim: &c5k" to run [execute player command "çiftlik tavukal"]
format slot 4 of player with 383:91 named "&6Koyun" with lore "&aFiyat: &c50M &aSaatlik Uretim: &c50k" to run [execute player command "çiftlik koyunal"]
format slot 6 of player with 383:92 named "&6Inek" with lore "&aFiyat: &c70 Milyon &aSaatlik Uretim: &c250k" to run [execute player command "çiftlik inekal"]
format slot 8 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
if arg-1 is "tavukal":
if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
if player's balance is greater than 9999999:
if {tavuk.%player%} is smaller than 10000:
remove 10000000 from player's balance
add 1 to {tavuk.%player%}
send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aTavuk Başarıyla Alindi !" to player
send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aSatin Almak Icin Yeterli Paraniz Bulunmamakta !" to player
if arg-1 is "koyunal":
if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
if player's balance is greater than 49999999:
if {koyun.%player%} is smaller than 10000:
remove 50000000 from player's balance
add 1 to {koyun.%player%}
send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aKoyun Başarıyla Alindi !" to player
send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aSatin Almak Icin Yeterli Paraniz Bulunmamakta !" to player
if arg-1 is "inekal":
if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
if player's balance is greater than 69999999:
if {inek.%player%} is smaller than 10000:
remove 70000000 from player's balance
add 1 to {inek.%player%}
send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aInek Başarıyla Alindi !" to player
send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aSatin Almak Icin Yeterli Paraniz Bulunmamakta !" to player
if arg-1 is "bilgi":
if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
wait 3 tick
open chest with 1 row named "&6Çiftlik &8» &aÇiftlik Bilgi" to player
format slot 0 of player with 383:93 named "&6Tavuk" with lore "&a%{tavuk.%player%}% Adet" to close
format slot 1 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
format slot 2 of player with 383:91 named "&6Koyun" with lore "&a%{koyun.%player%}% Adet" to close
format slot 3 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
format slot 4 of player with 383:92 named "&6Inek" with lore "&a%{inek.%player%}% Adet" to close
format slot 5 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
format slot 6 of player with egg named "&6Yumurta" with lore "&a%{yumurta.%player%}% Adet" to close
format slot 7 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
format slot 8 of player with milk bucket named "&6Süt" with lore "&a%{sut.%player%}% Litre" to close
if arg-1 is "sat":
if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
wait 3 tick
open chest with 1 row named "&6Çiftlik &8» &aSatma Menusu" to player
format slot 0 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
format slot 2 of player with egg named "&6Yumurta" with lore "&a%{yumurta.%player%}% Adet" to run [execute player command "çiftlik yumurtasat"]
format slot 4 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
format slot 6 of player with milk bucket named "&6Süt" with lore "&a%{sut.%player%}% Litre" to run [execute player command "çiftlik sutsat"]
format slot 8 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "çiftlik"]
if arg-1 is "yumurtasat":
if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
if {yumurta.%player%} is greater than 0:
add {yumurta.%player%} to player's balance
send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &c%{yumurta.%player%}% &aAdet Yumurta &c%{yumurta.%player%}% &aTL Karsiliginda Satildi !" to player
set {yumurta.%player%} to 0
send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aÇiftliğinde Satilacak Yumurta Yok !" to player
if arg-1 is "sutsat":
if {ciftlik.%player%} is true:
if {sut.%player%} is greater than 0:
add {sut.%player%} to player's balance
send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &c%{sut.%player%}% &aLitre Süt &c%{sut.%player%}% &aTL Karsiliginda Satildi !" to player
set {sut.%player%} to 0
send "&6Sanal Çiftlik &8» &aÇiftliğinde Satilacak Süt Yok !" to player
every hours:
loop all players:
if {tavuk.%loop-player%} is greater than 0:
set {_itemcountt} to {tavuk.%loop-player%}
add 5000 * {_itemcountt} to {yumurta.%loop-player%}
every hours:
loop all players:
if {koyun.%loop-player%} is greater than 0:
set {_itemcountk} to {koyun.%loop-player%}
add 50000 * {_itemcountk} to {sut.%loop-player%}
every hours:
loop all players:
if {inek.%loop-player%} is greater than 0:
set {_itemcounti} to {inek.%loop-player%}
add 250000 * {_itemcounti} to {sut.%loop-player%}
Skriptin sahibi ben değilim.
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