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- 30 May 2019
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/noeladmin : 10 Noel Baba Kutusu verir
/noelbabakutusu : Noel Baba Kutusu Verir
/mangaddp [Admin,Kurucu] noelbabakutu.admin
command /noelbabakutusu:
permission: noelbabakutu.admin
set {noelbabakutu.%player%} to chest named "&b&lNoelBaba Kutusu"
give {noelbabakutu.%player%} to player
on rightclick holding a chest:
if tool's name is "&b&lNoelBaba Kutusu":
cancel event
remove 1 chest named "&b&lNoelBaba Kutusu" from player's inventory
chance of 3%:
give 1 diamond pickaxe of efficiency 80, unbreaking 80, fortune 60 named "&e&l[***] Noel Kazmasi" to player
message " &e| &7- &cNoelBABA Kutusu &7- &e| &7Tebrikler kutudan 3 Yildiz Noel kazmasi cikardin."
chance of 10%:
give 1 diamond pickaxe of efficiency 75, unbreaking 75, fortune 55 named "&e&l[**] Noel Kazmasi" to player
message " &e| &7- &cNoelBABA Kutusu &7- &e| &7Tebrikler kutudan 2 Yildiz Noel kazmasi cikardin."
chance of 15%:
give 1 diamond pickaxe of efficiency 70, unbreaking 70, fortune 50 named "&e&l[*] Noel Kazmasi" to player
message " &e| &7- &cNoelBABA Kutusu &7- &e| &7Tebrikler kutudan 1 Yildiz Noel kazmasi cikardin."
chance of 1%:
give 1 diamond sword of sharpness 80, unbreaking 80, fire aspect 80, smite 80 named "&e&l[***] Noel Kilici" to player
message " &e| &7- &cNoelBABA Kutusu &7- &e| &7Tebrikler kutudan 3 Yildiz Noel Kilici cikardin."
chance of 3%:
give 1 diamond sword of sharpness 75, unbreaking 75, fire aspect 75, smite 75 named "&e&l[**] Noel Kilici" to player
message " &e| &7- &cNoelBABA Kutusu &7- &e| &7Tebrikler kutudan 2 Yildiz Noel Kilici cikardin."
chance of 5%:
give 1 diamond sword of sharpness 70, unbreaking 70, fire aspect 70, smite 70 named "&e&l[*] Noel Kilici" to player
message " &e| &7- &cNoelBABA Kutusu &7- &e| &7Tebrikler kutudan 1 Yildiz Noel Kilici cikardin."
chance of 2%:
give 1 diamond helmet of protection 60, unbreaking 60 named "&e&l[***] Noel Kask" to player
give 1 diamond chestplate of protection 60, unbreaking 60 named "&e&l[***] Noel Zirh" to player
give 1 diamond leggings of protection 60, unbreaking 60 named "&e&l[***] Noel Pantolon" to player
give 1 diamond boots of protection 60, unbreaking 60 named "&e&l[***] Noel Ayakkabi" to player
message " &e| &7- &cNoelBABA Kutusu&7- &e| &7Tebrikler kutudan 3 Yildiz Noel Set cikardin."
chance of 5%:
give 1 diamond helmet of protection 55, unbreaking 55 named "&e&l[**] Noel Kask" to player
give 1 diamond chestplate of protection 55, unbreaking 55 named "&e&l[**] Noel Zirh" to player
give 1 diamond leggings of protection 55, unbreaking 55 named "&e&l[**] Noel Pantolon" to player
give 1 diamond boots of protection 55, unbreaking 55 named "&e&l[**] Noel Ayakkabi" to player
message " &e| &7- &cNoelBABA Kutusu&7- &e| &7Tebrikler kutudan 2 Yildiz Noel Set cikardin."
chance of 10%:
give 1 diamond helmet of protection 50, unbreaking 50 named "&e&l[*] Noel Kask" to player
give 1 diamond chestplate of protection 50, unbreaking 50 named "&e&l[*] Noel Zirh" to player
give 1 diamond leggings of protection 50, unbreaking 50 named "&e&l[*] Noel Pantolon" to player
give 1 diamond boots of protection 50, unbreaking 50 named "&e&l[*] Noel Ayakkabi" to player
message " &e| &7- &cNoelBABA Kutusu&7- &e| &7Tebrikler kutudan 1 Yildiz Noel Set cikardin."
chance of 15%:
give 64 steak named "&e&lBiftek" to player
message " &e| &7- &cNoelBABA Kutusu &7- &e| &7Tebrikler kutudan 64 Adet Biftek cikardin."
chance of 35%:
give 1 bow of power 25, punch 10 named "&e&lKaliteli Yay" to player
message " &e| &7- &cNoelBABA Kutusu &7- &e| &7Tebrikler kutudan 1 Adet Guc 15 Savurma 10 Yay cikardin."
chance of 65%:
add 200000000 to the player's account
message " &e| &7- &cNoelBABA Kutusu &7- &e| &7Tebrikler kutudan 200M cikardin."
chance of 80%:
add 300000000 to the player's account
message " &e| &7- &cNoelBABA Kutusu &7- &e| &7Tebrikler kutudan 300M cikardin."
chance of 90%:
add 400000000 to the player's account
message " &e| &7- &cNoelBABA Kutusu &7- &e| &7Tebrikler kutudan 400M cikardin."
command /noelbabakutu1:
permission: noelbaba.kutu1
if player has 32 slimeball named "&8- &2Kutu Parcasi &8-":
remove 32 slimeball named "&8- &2Kutu Parcasi &8-" from player's inventory
give 1 chest named "&c&lNoelBaba Kutusu" to player
message "&e| &7- &cSistem &7- &e| &7Satin Alma Basarili."
message "&e| &7- &cSistem &7- &e| &732 Adet Kutu Parcasi Olmak Zorunda."
message "&e| &7- &cSistem &7- &e| &7bunlarin hepsinin olup olmadigini lutfen kontrol ediniz.."
command /noelbabakutu2:
permission: noelbaba.kutu2
if player has 320 slimeball named "&8- &2Kutu Parcasi &8-":
remove 320 slimeball named "&8- &2Kutu Parcasi &8-" from player's inventory
give 10 chest named "&b&lNoelBaba Kutusu" to player
message "&e| &7- &cSistem &7- &e| &7Satin Alma Basarili."
message "&e| &7- &cSistem &7- &e| &7320 Adet Kutu Parcasi Olmak Zorunda."
message "&e| &7- &cSistem &7- &e| &7bunlarin hepsinin olup olmadigini lutfen kontrol ediniz.."
command /noeladmin:
permission: noel.admin
give 10 chest named "&b&lNoelBaba Kutusu" to player
message "&e| &7- &cSistem &7- &e| &7Satin Alma Basarili."
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